
Re: Auction alert (Read 33970 times)

Started by Jesuszilla, February 01, 2020, 02:16:02 am
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Re: Re: Auction alert
#161  February 04, 2020, 08:20:24 pm
  • ****
  • Niigasan
first off, theres still no decision as to whether he is banned or not. he doesnt even use this forum so theres not even a point to that discussion right now.

monetization of MUGEN is quite literally illegal, this has nothing to do with favoritism. the personal feelings involved here are yours: youre obviously still hurt about this situation, as youve repeatedly said youre done yet continue to post here, or on discord. ive been clowning you but at this point its tiresome, and i suggest you just give up because what youre doing is completely futile. youre not in an environment that condones this behavior. youre welcome to go to whatever youtube channel or discord and vent about it all you want. but stop posting here, because this thread has been derailed enough by you.

All u had to do was let me go on I told yall enjoy ya night but u had to say sum the only personal shit is wit u cuz u on the discord callin me out my name n when i come there to address u personally i get attacked by 20 of your moblins, talkin bout there ain't a mob mentality. Stop lyin to yallself. Idgaf about nun bein futile or nun yall play by favoritism here n that's facts.  Now leave me tf be
Re: Auction alert
#162  February 04, 2020, 08:46:59 pm
  • ****
    • USA
I can’t read any of that..

The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items.


mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence.

Recurring enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.

Wealthy; well to do

A member of a religious community of women, especially a cloistered one, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 09:12:54 pm by ink
Re: Re: Auction alert
#163  February 04, 2020, 09:13:07 pm
  • ****
Translation of Prime SC said:
you could've just ignored me when i told you to enjoy your night but you had to say something. my only personal issue here is with you. because you kept talking about me in the discord but when i confront you, i get attacked by your followers. no mob mentality you say huh? stop deceiving yourselves. i don't care about futility or any of you being biased towards certain people. now drop this matter and don't speak to me again.
you're welcome.

-yours truly
the doctor of ebonics
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Auction alert
#164  February 04, 2020, 09:16:58 pm
  • ****
    • USA
Oh I see, he wanted the last word. I get that.


Re: Re: Auction alert
#165  February 04, 2020, 09:22:14 pm
  • *****
    • USA
Is it really a last word though if other people need to translate your paragraphs because of it sounding like a thirsty 13 year old on instagram trying to sound intimidating?
Re: Re: Auction alert
#166  February 04, 2020, 09:31:00 pm
  • *****
first off, theres still no decision as to whether he is banned or not. he doesnt even use this forum so theres not even a point to that discussion right now.

monetization of MUGEN is quite literally illegal, this has nothing to do with favoritism. the personal feelings involved here are yours: youre obviously still hurt about this situation, as youve repeatedly said youre done yet continue to post here, or on discord. ive been clowning you but at this point its tiresome, and i suggest you just give up because what youre doing is completely futile. youre not in an environment that condones this behavior. youre welcome to go to whatever youtube channel or discord and vent about it all you want. but stop posting here, because this thread has been derailed enough by you.

All u had to do was let me go on I told yall enjoy ya night but u had to say sum the only personal shit is wit u cuz u on the discord callin me out my name n when i come there to address u personally i get attacked by 20 of your moblins, talkin bout there ain't a mob mentality. Stop lyin to yallself. Idgaf about nun bein futile or nun yall play by favoritism here n that's facts.  Now leave me tf be

You're not getting it. I asked you to stop posting as a mod warning, because I am a global moderator and you were derailing a thread.

Also, lets get some actual facts straight, you didnt come to that discord to address me personally lol

You came to the discord to address a bunch of people and immediately got clowned out of the discord, like I've not really seen somebody get their ass laughed out of the room as fast as you did. You kept going "you mad," then called people 30 years old, then flipped it and said we were kids and you were grown, and then tried the "you're all nerds" thing before running off cause you couldn't take the heat. If you wanted a personal discussion you could've messaged me, you instead chose to try and insult everyone in that discord. Not my fault you're still hurt and crying about it.

None of those people are my moblins by the way, but if you have to tell yourself that I somehow had a personal army there ready to clown you, go ahead. You already look like a fucking joke, what's one more wild accusation?

Hope he picks you bro.
Re: Re: Auction alert
#167  February 04, 2020, 09:58:42 pm
  • ****
  • Roach Man
"i could literally give 2 fucks about how yall randoms feel about me"

Proceeds to join Discord server and constantly come back to this thread even after it has been split to get last word to tell all the randos how much he doesn't care

You got a fragile ego, if you constantly need to prove how mad you aren't. Can't wait for you to release the whole book series about how mad you're not, though!

Re: Auction alert
#168  February 28, 2020, 02:50:42 am
  • ***
    • Canada
Yo fellas. Just catching up to this. While I don't condone drama and hate to bump this thread, but given that my Makoto has been a poster girl for his project, I'm going to state my peace.

I have to agree with the masses here. While I consider Shinrei a friend of mine, I too wasn't pleased with this direction and how he's handled the situation. I understand part of the incentive behind using patreon for "donations" and I fully support the cause, his actions have been questionable to say the least. The lack of acknowledgement of other creators (myself included) has also been very apparent to me for some time now and a bit of a slap in the face if I'm to be truthful. And given that he's combating my boy Rednavi's request to remove his content, exposes that side of his character more or less. Also, life lession... if you're constantly needing to preach "you need to read this and/or pay attention to that", 9/10 you're delivering the information poorly and should probably look at the other side of the coin instead of doubling down. I'm sure I'll also be called toxic, ignorant, or whatever, but the hard truth is a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

So... I (KojiroBADNESS/Suprizle) will reiterate. I've put my blood, sweat, love, and tears into all my characters/creations for everyone to enjoy for FREE. My passion is your enjoyment and absolutely NOT intended for monetary use. Dee, if you are reading this, until a proper discussion is had, please remove all of my content as well.

Thank you.