
[OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Read 7262094 times)

Started by OHMSBY, August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
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Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#921  May 01, 2022, 03:40:19 am
  • **
    • USA
Ahh ok now I see where his model is from. Thanks Vocalnoid!
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#922  May 13, 2022, 05:40:19 am
  • **
  • Rate up is a lie.
  • Yeah I simp for Helm how can you tell ?
Very good character so far. I especially love your Vlov and Kohaku.
Question: Aside from your NOY update, have you come up with new stuff for your characters like power charge or an image show up when they activate ultra burst just like MBTL ?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#923  May 13, 2022, 02:45:55 pm
  • **
    • USA
Hey OHMSBY, how have you been lately? If you don't mind me asking, is there any specific inspiration for the special intro between Ky and Jin? Or was it just something you thought would be cool to include between them? Also have you ever played Power Rangers: Power Of The Grid and if so what were your thoughts on it?
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#924  May 15, 2022, 04:08:23 am
  • ***
    • USA
Question: Aside from your NOY update, have you come up with new stuff for your characters like power charge or an image show up when they activate ultra burst just like MBTL ?

I don't want to get into specifics just yet, but there will be another large scale update like NOY fairly soon.

If you don't mind me asking, is there any specific inspiration for the special intro between Ky and Jin? Or was it just something you thought would be cool to include between them?

I just thought that it was a necessity for them to have a special intro with each other considering they they are both the "Ken" of their respective franchises, and I happened to find voice clips between the two that happen to work well with one another.

Also have you ever played Power Rangers: Power Of The Grid and if so what were your thoughts on it?

I have not. It looks cool though.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#925  May 16, 2022, 11:30:44 am
  • **
  • The Blind Furry
  • I’m new to this and I’m blind
    • UK
Hey OHMSBY, hope you’re well!

Would you ever consider doing PlayStation All Stars characters in your style?

There was also this that I found that has all the smash models from what I can see.
Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 12:30:25 am by Wolfy120
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#926  May 18, 2022, 05:26:39 am
  • ***
    • Philippines
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#927  May 18, 2022, 06:35:00 am
  • ***
    • USA
Would you ever consider doing PlayStation All Stars characters in your style?

I'm not quite as familiar with that game as I am with Smash Bros, so I dunno.

Not sure if this is an error or not, but both Jin and Ky can recover when I do an air combo with Uzuki.

If the opponent isn't supposed to recover from that last hit as soon as Jin did, then it's Hitdef needs to have it's fall.recovertime increased. If that Hitdef doesn't have a fall.recovertime, then it needs to be added.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#928  May 19, 2022, 11:00:56 am
  • **
    • USA
Speaking of Playstation All Stars, what is your overall opinion of the game? I thought it was cool but if suffered from a confusing gameplay mechanic that made it hard for newcomers to understand, which is ironic because if the game copied the same formula of Smash the game would have been more successful. And also I like the addition of the Rival Cutscenes, mainly because it was a cool way to show the characters interact with each other, even if some of the reasons why they fight each other are kind of goofy(Like Sweet Tooth fighting Kratos because Kratos destroyed his ice cream cone and wouldn't pay for it). Honestly my favorite rivalries would have to be classic Action games icons like Jack and Daxter and Ratchet & Clank going at each other, Raiden and Cole Macgrath going at it and Issac Clarke vs Zeus mainly for Isaac having balls of Titanium for standing against the Zeus and evening catching a lighting bolt from him in Zeus version of the cutscene. This line alone absolutely sells the cutscene
Issac Clarke: "I know the dangers of men convinced that they're gods. If I'm what stands between you and civilazation, then I'm putting a end to this...Now!"

Here's a link of the cutscenes so you can see how goofy yet cool that they can be.
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 03:00:33 pm by Little Fox: Tres Truenos
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#929  May 19, 2022, 12:15:20 pm
  • **
  • The Blind Furry
  • I’m new to this and I’m blind
    • UK
I honestly love PS All Stars so much. It's genuinely one of my favourite games.

Ratchet main all the way.

(If you ever do PS All Stars characters Ohmsby, I would love Ratchet or Sly--)
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#930  May 21, 2022, 09:41:02 am
  • *
  • uhee~
Quick question: Will you ever do more Smash boss characters in the future? Just like you made Marx
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#931  May 21, 2022, 11:53:02 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
A little curious, when will you release the system update?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Merkava Released (04/17/22)
#932  May 21, 2022, 12:44:49 pm
  • ***
  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
Quick question: Will you ever do more Smash boss characters in the future? Just like you made Marx
I heard they said that Dracula and/or Master Hand could be possible choices in the works, but lets just wait and see how Marx plays like to ourselves, cause his gameplay just dropped now.
Link for anyone who's interest to see:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

A little curious, when will you release the system update?
At the end of Marxs vid, there's a small Overdrive icon under the lifebar. (it looks cool too, it's a nice callback to Central Fiction) So you'll know that its coming soon.
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#933  May 23, 2022, 01:23:43 am
  • ***
    • USA
Marx has been released along with his stage.

Just like my more recent Blender projects, Marx requires a patch to be played on MUGEN 1.0, which you can get here:

The stage can only be used in MUGEN 1.1 and IKEMEN GO. I may make a 1.0 version later, but it may have to be heavily compromised in order to make it happen.

Spoiler: More Screenshots (click to see content)

Get Marx here:

Get Marx's Stage here:

Spoiler: And my next character is... (click to see content)

Have fun.

Quick question: Will you ever do more Smash boss characters in the future? Just like you made Marx

I fully intend to, yes.

A little curious, when will you release the system update?

The system update will start being rolled out alongside Aoko's release.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#934  May 23, 2022, 02:34:45 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
Great work on Marx. I wanted to share this very minor inconsistency:

He appears very stretched when he reappears back during a teleport. I originally wanted to pm you about that a few days ago, but I didn't bother as I figured it may be intentional. He just doesn't appear like that shown if he used other moves or during his intro/winposes. To be honest, I kind of like it as it's a quick way to tell whether he used the teleport or not. If not, don't know if you want to fix the stretchiness for the teleport or make him stretched for the other moves to keep it consistent.

As for your next character Aoko as I noticed on the preview screenshot, her small portrait is laterally inverted and facing the opposite direction. Her small and big portraits are supposed to be default facing right as that's how it was in the original game:

Edit: Also since Kirby will get another update, I was thinking about some more additions to his copy abilities list. I thought about conjuring a list representing Smash clones since users here brought up PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. That also means Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl and MultiVersus will be mentioned. You already have some of the characters on there already, so it should be too difficult to type up.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 02:44:30 am by ZolidSone
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#935  May 23, 2022, 02:49:52 am
  • ***
  • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
  • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
Marx has been released along with his stage.

Marx is pretty good, OHSMBY. Really difficult, too.
I did notice something when trying to fight him with Vans's Omega Rugal, though:
After lands a physical hit, the rest of his attacks can't hit Marx.
I think it's more an issue with the KOF WLS system Vans uses, though.
I had a similar issue with Kamekaze's Omega Rugal.
Still, I wanted to point it out.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#936  May 23, 2022, 03:32:58 am
  • **
    • Canada
Great boss even better with tag mode (add004 or unotag)

Tips: remember the dodge button existed and back air dash are your friend for phase 2
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#937  May 23, 2022, 08:21:19 am
  • ***
    • Philippines
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#938  May 23, 2022, 08:44:11 am
  • ***
  • 或许,這樣應該足夠了。
    • Vietnam
With the release of Marx, I have a quick heads-up that you may find it informative.
From what I can tell, you might want to take a look at characters who have p2stateno in their hitdefs soon. The fact that Marx cannot be sent to custom states makes it pretty self-explanatory to say that he is immune to command grabs and some special moves. But aside from just grabs, there are some attacks that can do it too. For example falling down, hitting the ground/corner or causing the opponent to stagger. Ky's 5C or Tager's last hit of Magna Tech Wheel and I suppose that some of your characters are also having this issue where their attacks just don't register with Marx at all.  I think Targetstate would do the job better than p2stateno here but just a quick feedback you can take note for your future updates.

As for your next character Aoko as I noticed on the preview screenshot, her small portrait is laterally inverted and facing the opposite direction. Her small and big portraits are supposed to be default facing right as that's how it was in the original game:
I assume that Aoko's portrait was flipped to the opposite side in this case was because she was controlled by player 1, the same thing to say with Shiki's portrait on player 2. If you take a look at her portrait on Mizuumi, you will find that he actually did it right.

Found an error where (sometimes) Jin could freeze in a short time when I hit Marx with Hirensou.
Yeah, this is also one of the examples I'd like to mention when it comes to the issue that Marx cannot be sent to custom states. Jin only performs the second strike if the opponent is blocked by the ice block and low enough if the first hit is connected.

Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 08:50:15 am by Ichida
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#939  May 23, 2022, 11:14:03 am
  • ******
    • Portugal
This is a fantastic (boss) character. Well done.

I like how well thought out things are. Some things feel overpowered at first, but once you figure them out they feel just right (my feedback got shorter as I played more, haha). For instance I thought Portal Crawl was too hard to avoid until I figured out the pattern, or how I realized we should preserve our super meters to hit him out of Laser.

A few things:

- Eyeballs deal a bit too much hit/block stun
- Cutter Blades can't be blocked at point blank because they hit on frame 1. I think this also happens with Eye Dropper and Ice Bomb
- Ice Bomb disappears before it leaves the screen while zoomed out (tested 0.5 zoom). If Marx is in a corner it disappears immediately
- Black Hole can't be escaped by characters without fast dashes, teleports, etc. I suggest making the vacuum weaker if P2 is mashing the back direction
- The camera zooms out when he's defeated. Not sure if it's intentional or what the point is
- If you increase the number of rounds from 3 to whatever, his KO stops working properly
- His round 2 Laser variation really got me good, hehe
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Marx + Marx's Stage released (05/22/22)
#940  May 23, 2022, 01:57:26 pm
  • ***
  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
I didn't seem to find much feedback so far, but...
JESUS! I was expecting Marx to a be cakewalk, but He done did me way too good (I'm still glad he has a configuration file, or else things would've gone off the trail, and yes u can blame me for not getting gud. Nuff said :V ), and yet I'm still loving it. :joyful

I thought Portal Crawl was too hard to avoid until I figured out the pattern, or how I realized we should preserve our super meters to hit him out of Laser.
- Black Hole can't be escaped by characters without fast dashes, teleports, etc. I suggest making the vacuum weaker if P2 is mashing the back direction
- His round 2 Laser variation really got me good, hehe
As I (kinda) said, Marx has a configuration file that has a couple of changes you can make for difficulty adjustment such as black hole strengh, attack wait time, and of course his Laser damage interruption threshold.

Here's what I did to mine and feel free to copy if you want. (although I would recommend setting to 3 for the pull strength and between 150-175 for Laser interruption):
;Black Hole Pull Strength
[State 5900, 1]
type = Varset
trigger1 = 1
var(44) = 5
;This value determines how quickly the Black Hole attack will pull the opponent in
;Setting this to anything higher than 25 will likely cause unintended behavior
;Default value is 8

;Timer Toggle
[State 5900, 1]
type = Varset
trigger1 = 1
var(45) = 1
;Setting this value to 0 will allow the timer to count down while fighting Marx
;The timer will still freeze when Marx has been reverted back to his original form
;Default value is 1

;Attack Wait Time (Phase 1)
[State 5900, 1]
type = Varset
trigger1 = 1
var(47) = 150
;This value determines how much time in frames Marx waits between attacks when controlled by the AI
;60 frames is equal to 1 second
;Default value is 140

;Attack Wait Time (Phase 2)
[State 5900, 1]
type = Varset
trigger1 = 1
var(48) = 150
;Same as above, except this value applies after Marx has lost a round
;Default value is 90

;Laser Interruption Damage Threshold
[State 5900, 1]
type = Varset
trigger1 = 1
var(49) = 200
;This value determines how much damage needs to be dealt to Marx in order to interrupt his laser charge
;Default value is 400

Can't wait to see what else is in store for your next set of characters OHMSBY!

:iloveyou: GO YOU! :iloveyou:
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca