
Obama is trying to remove fox news channel (Read 15177 times)

Started by Saohc, October 30, 2009, 10:27:19 pm
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Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#141  November 08, 2009, 10:31:16 pm
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freedom of the press is one thing, but freedom to populate lies?
I remember reading that Fox News actually went to court to defend their supposed right to knowingly air inaccurate information.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#142  November 14, 2009, 07:15:47 pm
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Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#143  November 14, 2009, 07:28:51 pm
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Let me guess..

Even South Park got in on it..
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#144  November 14, 2009, 07:57:29 pm
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I say if Fox News changes their name to Fox Entertainment it'll be cool, because that's exactly what it is to me.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#145  November 17, 2009, 07:14:38 am
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Even tho I cant stand Fox News I'm gonna have to agree with them I mean they are still press even if they are press that destroys truths until what comes out of their mouths don't make since,but whatever, and I agree its more like Fox Entertainment. I still laugh at what they said against what they said against ppl who didnt like Bush things like " if you don't like the President then get out the country" ;however, it doesn't run that way when there is a democrat in the office.... ::) man they are funny as hell, good time good times!
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#146  November 17, 2009, 08:28:56 am
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Agree with them how? They don't have a RIGHT to enter the whitehouse. They have a right to report on what they hear once they have, but no law says they have to be allowed in in the first place.

Is this a new amendment we haven't heard about? You have the right to go wherever the hell you like?

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#147  November 17, 2009, 11:52:25 am
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Agree with them how? They don't have a RIGHT to enter the whitehouse. They have a right to report on what they hear once they have, but no law says they have to be allowed in in the first place.

Is this a new amendment we haven't heard about? You have the right to go wherever the hell you like?

wait isn't the whitehouse a public domain? I mean they have tours and stuff like that that go there weekly or something? I think it can't be helped but who knows. I hope someone checks up on that.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#148  November 17, 2009, 07:18:00 pm
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They have tours because they choose to allow it.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#149  November 17, 2009, 07:26:47 pm
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They have tours because they choose to allow it.

Actually I meant in the sense that the government is a citizen powered system, so like a park, the public is allowed to use it because our tax dollars are paying for it to be maintained and previously was built through elected officials voted in through the citizen.

At least that's how I saw it when I thought about it?
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#150  November 17, 2009, 07:31:44 pm
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It isn't a park. By your rational you could just walk into Nasa and start playing with the shuttle.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#151  November 18, 2009, 01:07:53 am
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Agreed I must have misunderstood I was actually talking about shuting down the station because of opposite veiws ;although, it would be nice to stop hearing about how Glen Beck cried on show everyday. I completely agree its not News when you make something up and broadcast it just to stir up people's anger and emotion to feel the way you do. But thats what Fox news is good at, but it makes the Daily Show funny.   
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#152  November 19, 2009, 01:51:55 am
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I completely agree its not News when you make something up and broadcast it just to stir up people's anger and emotion to feel the way you do. But thats what Fox news is good at, but it makes the Daily Show funny.   

I'm getting the impression most of you have never actually listened to him on the radio or watched his show on TV.  His accusations are supported by video and audio.  Why do you say he makes things up?  Even the White House begrudgingly acquiesces to his investigations (Van Jones, Geithner, ACORN, SEIU, etc, etc, et cetera). 

I understand you don't like him, but it's not like Beck just makes this stuff up.  It's not fantasy.  Why is it so hard to admit Obama isn't infallible? 

Polite, rational and intelligent arguments only, please.  I've been all three, and I'd appreciate a little reciprocity. 
Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:31:10 am by Atomic
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#153  November 19, 2009, 02:47:53 am
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Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#154  November 19, 2009, 05:47:10 am
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Atomic. Read the thread. I talked about and posted a video of Beck making shit up.

It isn't really making shit up though, I mean he believes the things he is saying, because he is fucking insane.

So please Atomic read the thread.

Obama has nothing to do with the accuracy of Beck's insanity. Shit the video I showed didn't have anything to do with Obama at all. Watching it live made me want to punch my TV. Watching MSNBC making fun of it later soothed that a bit. But this shit is almost daily.

It's as if the people who support Beck never watch his show.

Atomic, you are so blinded by your hatred of Obama that you have sided with the Birthers and now Beck's insane ramblings. If someone does not like Obama, no matter how wrong or how much fake shit they say, then you support them it seems. You are losing creditability with each nut you support and that is also the problem you party has.

Keep in mind that I used to be considered a Barry Goldwater Conservative and I basically still lean somewhere between him and Roosevelt. Since Bush's bullshit, and the take over of the republican party by religious nut jobs and Rush Limbaugh wantabess, I'm now considered a bleeding heart, tree-hugging liberal and I gladly wear those titles, because I want to get as far away from the racist and batshit crazy abomination that now calls itself the Republican party.

Keep this in mind; that Barry Goldwater coined the term conservative he invented its Ideals and manifested them as well. He was the first Conservative. Today, he couldn't win election because of his stance on limited government when concerning abortion. He bitched when Regan was starting that crap.

Today the man that coined the term conservative would be considered a democrat. Even his daughter made a documentary during Bush's second term, where that was the thesis. Her thesis was that the people who call themselves conservatives today, don't follow her fathers ideals and would shun him.

Stop being blind to what's happening with your party.

If you want proof, Find a way to ask Palin or Beck what conservatism is. I bet they couldn't answer you. Or if they did, it would be about as far out as their definition of socialism.

In short, come back to planet earth. We miss you and need a real voice of opposition to keep the rest of us in line.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#155  November 20, 2009, 01:27:47 am
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Which video?  The Olbermann one?  I'll say that Beck's diatribe against Rockefeller Square is opinionated, and his accusation in that instance can't really be verified or disproved, as it's basically a conspiracy theory.  Without committing to agreeing with Beck on that, I will say that I can see where his theory comes from as much of the imagery is questionable.  But just as Beck's theory can be considered flat, so too can Olbermann's rebuttal be considered weak (and also not funny, despite his best efforts :P).

But what about his exposés on SEIU, ACORN, the socialist backgrounds of many of Obama's czars, etc.?  That's certainly not fiction, and the White House has been forced to acknowledge these associations and their corruption after the fact.  Although I can imagine many Obama supporters wish this stuff was false, even your Golden Child Himself has caved (but not without throwing everyone under the bus shortly afterward).

I think you better go back and read a little more about Reagan, including his own notes/memoirs.  I love how liberals keep trying to say he would be considered a Democrat in 2009 (or that Obama "has a lot in common with Reagan").  That just doesn't work out.  I also love how liberals propose to know what conservatism is.  If you want to know what conservatism is, ask a conservative, not a liberal.   

Also, ONCE AGAIN, calling conservatives racist (MLK jr. was a conservative, as were many most of the white activists involved in the American Civil Rights Movement) is lazy and intellectually bankrupt (i.e. ignorant).  It would be like me saying that the Democratic Party is full of child molesters.

Just saying I'm crazy over and over doesn't automatically make me crazy.  That's not a valid argument, it's just a baseless insult (which seems to be all the liberals can come up with these days).  Eventually, that just doesn't work anymore.
Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 01:32:52 am by Atomic


Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#156  November 20, 2009, 02:43:52 am
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If you want to know what conservatism is, ask a conservative, not a liberal.

The definition has changed is what I think he was trying to say.
last century conservatism != today's conservatism

That fact is of course apparent, irrefutable, and unavoidable.

And trickle-down economics and the war on drugs doesn't really sound liberal whichever way you look at it.  :S
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#157  November 20, 2009, 02:54:46 am
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I wish people would stop CHOOSING these sides. Conservative, liberal... Why do we HAVE to be one or the other? Can't we just have a unique outlook? I don't even know which one I am, both sides tend to make me sick =p

Obama or FOX, it doesn't matter. I think both of them are pretty corrupt. The President doesn't run this country. He just does what other people tell him to do and passes or vetos bills. Fox news anchormen just want ratings. They just need to keep enough legit news to be labeled a news station.

All in all they only do what they think will benefit THEM the most. That's how most people work. Bush just didn't seem to hide it as much XD
BTW I'm a Consiberal, who wants to join my side? :P
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#158  November 20, 2009, 03:02:39 am
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TDS, as much as I admire your capabilities to stay in the middle and avoid conflict, I personally think claming everyone is equally wrong and corrput is... weak. To say the least.

Obama has had his mistakes. And will probably make a lot more. But, IMO, trying to close Guantanamo, re-think Irak, reforming health care, trying to establish a different connection to the rest of the world (sup acknowledging there actually is a 'rest of the world'!) and ton more stuff, is better both for USA and the whole world than FOX & Bush ever did, IMO.

Saying 'everyone are the same crap, let's be friends' kinda makes as little sense as 'I'm taking sides and hating the other guys period'. It kills any critical thinking.
Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#159  November 20, 2009, 03:06:26 am
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If you want to know what conservatism is, ask a conservative, not a liberal.

The definition has changed is what I think he was trying to say.
last century conservatism != today's conservatism

That fact is of course apparent, irrefutable, and unavoidable.

It was a response to this:

If you want proof, Find a way to ask Palin or Beck what conservatism is. I bet they couldn't answer you. Or if they did, it would be about as far out as their definition of socialism.

And trickle-down economics and the war on drugs doesn't really sound liberal whichever way you look at it.  :S

Not sure what you're trying to say here.  Just to clarify: trickle-down economics, more accurately known as supply-side economics, is a conservative staple.  The war on drugs, while championed by both parties, became the central focus during the Clinton Administration.

I wish people would stop CHOOSING these sides. Conservative, liberal... Why do we HAVE to be one or the other? Can't we just have a unique outlook? I don't even know which one I am, both sides tend to make me sick =p

Obama or FOX, it doesn't matter. I think both of them are pretty corrupt. The President doesn't run this country. He just does what other people tell him to do and passes or vetos bills. Fox news anchormen just want ratings. They just need to keep enough legit news to be labeled a news station.

All in all they only do what they think will benefit THEM the most. That's how most people work. Bush just didn't seem to hide it as much XD
BTW I'm a Consiberal, who wants to join my side? :P

While I admire your diplomacy, JNP, "politics" is simply another way of saying "your world view".  It's a passionate subject, as it has relevance to all aspects of day-to-day life.  I don't really believe there is such thing as a moderate.  One may have some views that seem out of place with a party's ideology (even I have some views that aren't typically attributed to the classic conservative), but in the end they will lean one way or the other on the ideological spectrum.

TDS, as much as I admire your capabilities to stay in the middle and avoid conflict, I personally think claming everyone is equally wrong and corrput is... weak. To say the least.

Saying 'everyone are the same crap, let's be friends' kinda makes as little sense as 'I'm taking sides and hating the other guys period'. It kills any critical thinking.

LOL, we said basically the same thing at the same time.


Re: Obama is trying to remove fox news channel
#160  November 20, 2009, 03:14:37 am
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And trickle-down economics and the war on drugs doesn't really sound liberal whichever way you look at it.  :S

Not sure what you're trying to say here.  Just to clarify: trickle-down economics, more accurately known as supply-side economics, is a conservative staple.  The war on drugs, while championed by both parties, became the central focus during the Clinton the end they will lean one way or the other on the ideological spectrum.

That's pretty much what I was trying to say.
I didn't read where people claimed that Reagan was liberal apparently, but it didn't really make sense to me.