
Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread (Read 75162 times)

Started by Steel Komodo, February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
Capcom Fighting Heroes - Brainstorming Thread
New #1  February 15, 2021, 11:47:59 pm
  • ***
  • I have no idea what I'm doing.
    • UK

    Q: What is Capcom Fighting Heroes?
    Capcom Fighting Heroes, formerly Capcom Heroines, is a concept featuring a small but diverse roster from Capcom's various video game stables, from the popular such as Street Fighter to the niche such as Power Stone. Inspired by Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Stars and others, the concept is intended to mesh aspects of serious and casual fighters, creating something enjoyable yet accessable, and combine mechanics from classic Capcom fare with new concepts.

    Q: Talk me through the gameplay.
    The following base gameplay has been decided.
    • 5 buttons overall. Four for attacks, onefor special abilities.
    • Fifth button will serve either as a "Unique Ability" or as the "Surge" mechanic (name tentaive), which has both offensive and defensive uses.
    • Combo progression runs on typical Marvel/Darkstalkers lines: LP > LK > HP > HK. Gameplay is essentially "Marvel-lite", featuring a toned-down version of similar gameplay that still provides flash without leaving room for "touch of death" or "infinte" situations. Launcher will be a universal DF + HP command.
    • Classic 3-tiered Super Gauge. Characters will either have two Super Combos and one Level 3 Hyper Combo, or two Super Combos with enhanced "Surge" versions.
    • Movement will consist of dashes instead of runs. Super jumps and short hops are also available.
    • "Easy Combo" on LP, akin to MvCI/KoF XIV.
    • Advancing Guard and Guard Crush. A Guard Bar will be used as a resource.
    • "Rage Ultra" mechanic inspired by Tekken 7, SvC Chaos and Mortal Kombat 11.
    Q: Talk about the roster already!
    The roster will mostly consist of around 15 or so characters. Characters are picked based on various factors, including popularity, overall roster diversity and what the character will bring to the roster. The main factor, however, is sprite availability and potential expense to create new assets for.

    The list below is a tentative roster based on these factors. Characters in Bold are possible, characters in italic are tentative based on resources, and characters in plain text are mad pipe dreams that require new sprites/voices.
    • Ryu (Street Fighter)
    • Chun-Li (Street Fighter II)
    • Karin or Rainbow Mika (Street Fighter Alpha)
    • [Gill (Street Fighter III)
    • Mike Haggar (Final Fight)
    • Posion (FInal Fight) OR Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
    • Strider Hiryu (Strider)
    • Batsu
    • Morrigan OR Jedah (Darkstalkers)
    • Mega Man (Mega Man Classic) OR Tron Bonne (Mega Man Legends) OR Zero (Mega Man X)
    • Saki (Quiz Nanairo Dreams) OR Fiona (Haunting Ground)
    • Tessa OR Mai Ling (Red Earth)
    • Captain Commando (Captain Commando) OR Arthur (Ghosts and Goblins)
    • Rouge (Power Stone)
    • ??? (Guest Character)
    Note that this current roster is tentative and subject to change. In addition some characters will play differently from common interpretation - for example, Tron might play as a Zangief/Haggar-style grappler. Additional characters will be added via updates - the eventual goal is to reach around 20-23 fighters, the same as Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution.

    The final boss is currently under consideration, with twopossible choices:
    • Ingrid (Capcom Fighting Jam)
    • Original character requiring new sprites/voice acting.

    Q: What's this "Surge" thing, then?
    "Surge" is the tentative name for a possible mechanic tied to the fifth button. It serves as both an offensive and defensive tool, and requires at least 1 level of meter to use. Here are some of the tentative ideas for the mechanic:
    • Surge: Execute any special move while also pressing the Surge button to perform an EX move. Alteratively, press the Surge Button to charge your next special move.
    • Surge Cancel: During a combo. press the Surge button to cancel your current normal, command or special move into a standing state.
    • Surge Dash Cancel: During a combo, press Surge + F to cancel your current normal, command or special move into a dash, resetting the juggle counter and extending your combo.
    • Surge Escape: Press Surge + B to cancel the current normal, command or special move into a backward dash to avoid potential punishment.
    • Surge Counter: When blocking/if taking damage, press Surge + F to perform a reversal attack and escape. Different from the Advancing Guard in that it puts opponents into a knockdown state.
    • Surge Reversal: Just as your opponent's attack is about to connect, press Surge + B to perform a dodge. You can then press any attack button to perform a followup counterattack.
    Obviously, not all of these mechanics would be implemented if Surge was decided upon. The fine details will be nailed down once an actual character is developed.

    Q: And what are "Rage Ultras"?
    "Rage Ultras" are a concept I've been toying with for a long time, both in single character releases and in this game. Essentially, the Rage Ultra is akin to the Rage Art in Tekken 7, the Exceed Super in SvC Chaos and the Fatal Blow in Mortal Kombat 11. The concept of the "Rage Ultra" is tied into the story of the game - as the Eclipse Bomb draws out the energy of the characters in battle, it threatens to overwhelm them and send them into a blind frenzy.

    When a character's life is less than a third or so, they will begin to flash red as they enter a "Rage" state. In this state, all attacks (except for Supers) will gain a very small damage bonus, the percentage of which depends on that character. By inputting a universal command, they will perform a powerful attack - if this connects, the character will perform a highly-damaging "Rage Ultra". If the character should KO with the Rage Ultra, special effects and music will activate. Whiffing the Rage Ultra, however, will leave the attacker open for a duration that can be easily punished.

    Rage Ultras do not require meter, and if the Ultra is whiffed or blocked, the player will be able to use it again after a short cooldown period (6-8 seconds). However, if the person successfuly lands the Rage Ultra, they will not be able to use another one for the rest of the round.

    Q: Got an actual story for this one?
    I do have something rather tentative, actually. Based on the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Stars, it runs something like this:

    "A strange event known as the Eclipse Wave suddenly sweeps the World of Capcom, causing the powers of many famous fighting heroes to fluctuate wildly. Shortly afterwards, a mysterious figure sends a broadcast across the world, announcing that they have obtained the experimental Laughter Sun and Weeping Moon - a twin device that derives power from the fighting energy of strong warriors. Believing that the abundance of powerful fighters has upset 'The Cosmic Harmony of the World', the perpetrator intends to detonate the 'Eclipse Bomb' in order to restore balance to the planet. In response, Capcom's Fighting Heroes (and some villains, too!) set out to find and disarm the Eclipse Bomb to prevent the disastrous consequences of its detonation."

    Like most things, this is subject to change in the fine details.

    Q: Anything else?
    I'm making an open call to people who might be interested in helping me with this. I mostly require people willing to test and upgrade characters, given my own lack of knowledge when it comes to programming, as well as a screenpack designer/creator to help flesh out concepts and bring them to life. If push should come to shove, I will try to commission people to create new sprite animations/voice acting for certain characters who aren't up to snuff.

    That's about all I've got. Leave feedback/suggestions as you wish. Keep in mind that there's still a lot that could change, so I'm open to mostly anything. :)

    Spoiler: Concept Screenpack Stuff (click to see content)
    Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 10:52:08 pm by Steel Komodo
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #2  February 16, 2021, 12:05:42 am
    • ******
    • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
    Nice!! I'll be taking a look to this!!

    Also, I may be wrong, but I'd swear I saw an Amaterasu for mugen.
    I swear there was something cool here!!
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #3  February 16, 2021, 12:25:02 am
    • ***
    • I have no idea what I'm doing.
      • UK
    I did as well. But the sprites aren’t that great - it’s obvious that various bits were rotated fo simulate movement, and it doesn’t look that great. I’d use them in a pinch, but if I had the cash I’d commission somebody to touch them up and get them up to snuff.

    On the subject of sprites, anyone know what happened to Li Kun’s Rouge? That one seems to have completely vanished, which is a shame - I’d love ro get my hands on those sprites, if only so I didn’t have to commission them myself :P
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #4  February 16, 2021, 12:52:08 am
    • ****
    • Young Gun
    • Random furry dude who codes.
      • USA
    On the subject of sprites, anyone know what happened to Li Kun’s Rouge? That one seems to have completely vanished, which is a shame - I’d love ro get my hands on those sprites, if only so I didn’t have to commission them myself :P

    Private I’m afraid. It’s locked to the unreleased Capcom All Stars full game and as such is not available for anyone to use until that game releases. ;-;
    what do i put here ew
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #5  February 16, 2021, 01:41:29 am
    • ***
    • I have no idea what I'm doing.
      • UK
    Private I’m afraid. It’s locked to the unreleased Capcom All Stars full game and as such is not available for anyone to use until that game releases. ;-;

    Ah, damn. Guess I’m saving up to commission somebody in the future, then. :(

    Anyway, I’ll probably start working on a template in Fighter Factory some time this week. Then I’ll start working on Morrigan - who, sadly, is probably the closest to a shoto we’re gonna get in this game. She’ll be the character I’ll use to flesh out the base gameplay, including all the minutiae of combo style, defensive techniques etc.

    Watch this space for more info.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #6  February 16, 2021, 02:41:08 pm
    • *****
      • USA
    Replace her with Gladia's Michelle Heart. I'm honestly surprised you don't have her here for this. Did you do all this SP concepts yourself? It looks very nice. Very aesthetically pleasing, easy on the eyes. Seeing that Revelations render of Jill makes me sad there isn't actually a sprite set with her in that attire. :(   
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #7  February 16, 2021, 06:33:19 pm
    • ***
    • I have no idea what I'm doing.
      • UK
    Replace her with Gladia's Michelle Heart. I'm honestly surprised you don't have her here for this. Did you do all this SP concepts yourself? It looks very nice. Very aesthetically pleasing, easy on the eyes. Seeing that Revelations render of Jill makes me sad there isn't actually a sprite set with her in that attire. :(

    But Power Stone, though! D: Also, I’m a little worried that Michelle might end up overlapping with Saki in terms of “gun girl”. In all honestly, looking at the roster, I worry there might be a bit of overlap with some characters in how I envision them - Fiona and Roll, for instance, if they end up being the characters that use assists a lot, as well as Jill, Saki and Michelle for weapon-based zoners.

    Also, I don’t know who Michelle Heart is or what she does. So there’s that.

    Yeah, I did those myself. Still not quite sure about some details, but thanks :)
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #8  February 16, 2021, 06:35:37 pm
    • ****
    • Young Gun
    • Random furry dude who codes.
      • USA
    But Power Stone, though! D: Also, I’m a little worried that Michelle might end up overlapping with Saki in terms of “gun girl”. In all honestly, looking at the roster, I worry there might be a bit of overlap with some characters in how I envision them - Fiona and Roll, for instance, if they end up being the characters that use assists a lot, as well as Jill, Saki and Michelle for weapon-based zoners.

    Also, I don’t know who Michelle Heart is or what she does. So there’s that.

    Yeah, I did those myself. Still not quite sure about some details, but thanks :)

    Michelle Heart was the protag of Legendary Wings, an old Capcom shoot em up. She was also an assist in MVC1. So there's that. :P

    Unfortunately Rouge isn't realizable at the moment. While I support some Power Stone love, it's just not possible right now and won't be for a while. ;-;
    what do i put here ew
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #9  February 16, 2021, 07:19:47 pm
    • ***
    • I have no idea what I'm doing.
      • UK
    Having looked up footage of Michelle Heart, I think she's too close to Saki in overall concept, since she shares a similar gimmick of "large gun" and "can switch different types of ammo". I'll probably stick with Rouge and commission somebody to do the sprites. Which might end up meaning there's two Rouge's in MUGEN, but hey, watcha gonna do. :P

    Of course, there's also Julia or Ayame from the same franchise. Depends on what I think the roster needs.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #10  February 16, 2021, 07:25:56 pm
    • ****
    • Character Not Unlocked ~
      • Norway
      • Skype - crap-zapper
    You could always do a "Terry", quick spriting Edward into a female edition.  :yaoming:
    Previously known as;
    Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
    The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #11  February 16, 2021, 07:54:15 pm
    • *****
    • A.K.A. NED
    • I like to draw fighting game characters...
    Interesting concept.
    New sprited characters will definitely make this game more "unique"
    And I really like the SP. Consistent, not too crazy, looks very "professional"
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #12  February 16, 2021, 07:56:03 pm
    • ****
    • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
    Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #13  February 16, 2021, 09:45:31 pm
    • ***
    • I have no idea what I'm doing.
      • UK
    Since we're discussing characters, any ideas for villainous characters that I could use? Juri's obvious, but there's no decent sprites of her out there, and SFV's Seth would require entirely new sprites. I was thinking Decapre, but I don't know much about her - does she qualify as evil?

    By the way, thanks to all the kind words about my screenpack concepts. I'm not much of a graphic designer, so I just went with my gut instincts on what I felt would look best for this kind of game. Glad to see it get a good response :)
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #14  February 16, 2021, 09:50:19 pm
    • ****
    • Young Gun
    • Random furry dude who codes.
      • USA
    I mean Chuchoryu's Juri sprites aren't that bad, they're pretty decent and I've seen them used effectively with a few versions of her. I wouldn't completely knock her off yet.

    Additionally Decapre... I don't know much about her either but she could be a sub-boss. She still technically is under Shadaloo's control (at least during SFIV cause she was the only doll left behind by Vega in his Alpha 3 ending). She's not, like, full villain though.

    And the visual stuff looks great! You've knocked it out of the park IMO. :D
    what do i put here ew
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #15  February 16, 2021, 10:26:37 pm
    • ***
    • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
    • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #16  February 17, 2021, 12:00:06 am
    • **
    • The Forsaken Warrior
    • Let us grieve existence, together.
      • Mexico
    For characters I think Tessa from Red Earth or Pure The Mage from Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2 would be decent "witch character" additions and good replacement for Rouge at the moment.

    For villain characters you could use Devilotte from Cyberbots, Ton Pooh from Strider and Juri from SFIV who I don't considerate a villain but more of an anti-heroine.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #17  February 17, 2021, 01:18:13 am
    • ******
    • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
    • 25 years of Mugen O_o
      • Brazil
    Oh, nice work on the screenpack.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #18  February 17, 2021, 01:48:21 am
    • ****
    • Every day is night
      • Brazil
    I'd personally drop both Roll and Amaterasu, since Roll is tiny and Amaterasu is, well, a dog.

    For characters I think Tessa from Red Earth or Pure The Mage from Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2 would be decent "witch character" additions and good replacement for Rouge at the moment.

    Both would be very good picks.
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #19  February 17, 2021, 01:50:27 am
    • ****
    • Young Gun
    • Random furry dude who codes.
      • USA
    I'd personally drop both Roll and Amaterasu, since Roll is tiny and Amaterasu is, well, a dog.

    I disagree, I'd say they add diversity among the roster.

    This game would be pretty boring if everyone was just a tall human waifu lol (with the exception of Tron Bonne)
    what do i put here ew
    Re: Capcom Heroines - Brainstorming Thread (V2)
    #20  February 17, 2021, 04:20:56 pm
    • *****
      • USA
    You could always do a "Terry", quick spriting Edward into a female edition.  :yaoming:

    How about Chris or Leon? They'll do fine!

    I actually suggested to Steel that he could have the normal male Terry & Iori sprites with the female SNK Heroines voices once.
    ...At least, i think it was Steel, Terry, & Iori. I can't remember the exact thing, it was a long time ago.


    Honestly, I hope these are all just really bad jokes, and not serious suggestions... Moving along...

    Those Juri sprites are usuable. They're not amazing or anything, but it's true they are not terrible. They could hold place for the most part, if later you'd be willing to commission them to get refined. Decapre could be nice. I had recently fixed up tJun's version SFF. Was think about CS'ing her as well. Gladia has made a lot of custom girls that could be in here as mentioned. Like Pure & Fur and Ton Pooh. I feel Tessa would be nice, though her sprite sets will clash pretty hard with CvS/CPS2 sets that you are using. CPS2 can sorta "mesh" with CvS, given the right aspect ratio and palette. Cammy and Guile are ones that blend really nicely.

    Tessa only has the SNK and CPS3(?) sets. I think Red Earth used CPS3. The SF3 style, with bigger more fluid sprites/animations. Being that this is a full game, I think you should be aiming for consistency. Not just with gameplay, but aesthetics as well. She'd stick out pretty bad with either set. How about Ruby Heart?  I always liked her and she's pretty much doomed to be MvC2 exclusive.

    As for Roll, since you're willing to do commission, you may want to consider this:

    I'd be willing to pitch in with the commission as well. The guy there mentions an incomplete sheet. If you could acquire said sheet, and depending how much is done, it could end up reducing the price a fair amount. I...may be willing to help with coding... My interest in Mugen has been waning to say the least. However, this peaks my interest. If nothing else, I could test and provide feedback. We'll see.
    Last Edit: February 17, 2021, 04:38:39 pm by DW