
TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread (Read 1832317 times)

Started by Graphicus, August 09, 2013, 11:41:11 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#121  September 07, 2014, 11:14:31 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#122  September 09, 2014, 10:24:19 pm
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Read the first post.

Or here:
Graphicus said:
What do you need to have before requesting an animation?
1. Evidence that you're actually working on a character and have made significant progress. This evidence can be a beta version, a youtube video, or an outstanding reputation for completing projects.
2. A clear description of the animations you need and how these will contribute to the completion of the character (except where obvious).
Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 10:28:59 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#123  October 13, 2014, 11:04:52 pm
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I was always kind of reluctant to ask, but I'm in a bit of a bind with my current character. The original artists did "something" very wrong to NZC Kakashi's sprites. I need most of his basic moves just redone, so they look like natural moves. I am doing some of them myself, but I'm a horrible spriter, so it's not really that great looking.

Here's the monstrosity:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
. I know most of these are CvS or SF-styled, but I was wondering if anyone could help out at all. Keep in mind that the character has already been released to the public here. He's just getting a revamp for my game: NZCR.

On that sheet, he's got mirrored sprites for facing the two directions. I would only need one side done, the right one. The first and second punches on his Attack Combo (Right) look awful. They need to be redone to look um... right? The same goes for his Air Combo (Right). It's like the same exact thing. Those first two punches are not right. Who does that? Strong Attack (Right) is the last one that needs fixing. This could be replaced with anything more natural than that.

-[Все слова это только слова.]-
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#124  January 12, 2015, 02:18:52 am
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Open to commisions or if you wanna give a donation I appreciate.
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#125  May 22, 2015, 05:06:29 pm
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I should have asked for this years ago. Literally... Anyway, I fixed up one of the MB like sprites in Poison's SFF:

Small fixes and pal stuff. Anyway, I was hoping someone would be kind enough to whip up a held up pose for this.
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#126  May 22, 2015, 05:19:13 pm
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I was just curious, can i use this thread for a non-animated npc for a stage?
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#127  May 22, 2015, 05:29:17 pm
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This thread has a very specific purpose, and I think that's not it :P

Maybe make a WIP thread for the stage, and ask what you need there. If people like your concept and what they see, they might join :thinking:
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#128  May 22, 2015, 05:37:37 pm
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:( oh well it was worth asking though lol
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#129  August 10, 2015, 05:33:29 pm
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if anyone is interested to make this kim sprite to king , it was really appreciated to updated king by varo. :)

Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 06:04:33 pm by yaret
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#130  August 10, 2015, 05:50:54 pm
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Read the first post of this thread AGAIN
This is a generic forum signature.
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#131  August 10, 2015, 06:16:26 pm
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Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 08:09:57 pm by yaret
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#132  October 11, 2015, 08:05:17 pm
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#133  November 18, 2015, 03:18:19 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#134  July 03, 2016, 04:09:17 am
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  • A frame here, a pixel there.
As I continue retouching Huitzil's sprites, I've come to his unused Darkstalkers 1 laser super. It has some associated effects that I'd like someone to expand upon a bit. Specifically an outward crackling burst of electricity as the gun-arm opens, and a dual-ripple-shaped shockwave that appears as the gun fires. Each of these two effects only has one frame in the existing data (since it's seemingly unfinished, they might have added more had they actually implemented it). Anyway, I'd like someone to attempt to make additional frames for these. I've provided this image that illustrates the kind of animation I have in mind:

I don't think more than 3-4 frames total is needed for each of the two effects, so 2-3 additional frames each should suffice. The ring shockwave should expand outward and dissipate, pretty straightforward. You probably could add one frame before the existing frame, then make two more frames for after it. Probably shouldn't expand out much more than my sketch shows. You can draw the whole rings, (maybe even fill in the gap in the existing frame, as it doesn't quite fit around the arm as-is), I'll cut out whatever's necessary to make it look like they're going around the arm.The electricity around the gun-arm should crackle outwards and dissipate (think arcs reaching the top of a Jacob's Ladder). For this one, I actually wouldn't mind if you sprited something from scratch and didn't use the existing frame (as it's kind of rough), but it should follow that general look, and probably not expand out any further than it..

Here's the current progress on Huitzil himself for this revised animation:

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#135  January 19, 2017, 10:58:25 pm
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I need some help! And I'm broke but maybe we can come to
agreement. I just need the bottom of ryus pants(by his ankles)
Touched up to look like cvs, what I mean is ryus pants aren't
Ripped up on the bottoms like this in cvs. If you can help me out
I can add a requested character from you the spriter to my full game.
Proof I'm working on ryu is in my cvtw2 thread in idea engineering.

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#136  January 20, 2017, 04:47:11 pm
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I need some help! And I'm broke but maybe we can come to agreement. I just need the bottom of ryus pants(by his ankles)
The technique on these is VERY deficient, I fixed some stuff here and there (added some pretty obviously missing antialiasing), but they still could use some work.

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#137  January 20, 2017, 08:41:02 pm
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#138  January 20, 2017, 08:48:29 pm
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Ah, so you were going for a CVS-sized/SF3-design Ryu?

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#139  January 20, 2017, 09:19:24 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
I need some help! And I'm broke but maybe we can come to agreement. I just need the bottom of ryus pants(by his ankles)
The technique on these is VERY deficient, I fixed some stuff here and there (added some pretty obviously missing antialiasing), but they still could use some work.

Wow that looks good Walt thanks for the touch up!
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#140  January 20, 2017, 11:36:28 pm
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I'd say the major issue with the top two are the faces. They differ too much from CVS's style. I'd suggest frankenspriting a CVS face onto it, then modify it if it doesn't look right.
If you require my assistance, please feel free to contact me on Discord: 2DMirage#5299
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